Welcome to Shiloh Life!
The Vision of Shiloh Life is that all people who enter Shiloh would find their LIFE purpose and take their Next Steps to fully engage in all that God has for them. Shiloh Life takes to heart Jesus’ statement in John 10:10 that He came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. Our goal is that the people at Shiloh would live an abundant life in the Word, in Prayer, in Connection with others, in Ministry and in Health – Spirit, Soul, and Body.
Our Mission is to produce disciples that will disciple by equipping them to do all that the Lord has called them to do while enjoying every aspect of their lives.

The Vision of LifeGroups is to reach the World through Fellowship and Discipleship. To go beyond the walls by connecting those in the church with those outside the church. LifeGroups become an extension of Shiloh by providing an opportunity for fellowship beyond Sundays and to those who can’t make it to our Shiloh events on campus. Our goal is to reach the unreached neighborhoods, cities, states, nations and help people connect by creating a creative and warm setting for growth, relationships, and discipleship. Our Mission is to equip every LifeGroup Leader to be a beacon of Hope, Joy, Unity and Love wherever God has placed them.
The vision of Next Steps is to assist everyone from guest to leader at Shiloh to find their next step with God in each season of life. It is our commission for discipling people and pushing them to the things God has called them to do and pushing them to the places where God has called them to be. Jeremiah 29:11 says God has a plan, a place and a purpose for everyone and we get to help people move closer to that plan, place, and purpose. To help people discover their unique personality, gifts, and leadership capability. Our Mission is to help the kingdom of God expand by helping people get activated into their next step.

The Vision of Growth Track is to help people connect with the incredible purpose God has for their life through 4 steps. Step 1: an introduction to the story, beliefs and structure of Shiloh and how to become a part of the Shiloh Family. Step 2: Understand the importance of finding community, getting connected, and being cared for. Step 3: Discovering how God uniquely created you by understanding your personality and spiritual gifts. Step 4: Learning how to make a difference at Shiloh and in your community.